And the Winners Are . . .

Thank you so very much for entering the HGK Giveaway of two copies of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Plant-based Nutrition by Julieanna Hever.

Without further adieu, here are the winners!

Becky and . . .

Heather L

Congratulations to you both. Please e-mail me your full name and address to:

Ms. Hever is so kind and has volunteered to answer the three most popular questions in a guest blog post right here on HGK. Here they are, summarized by me:

(1) Children on a Plant-based diet.

 How can I make sure that my children are getting their nutritional and calorie needs met on a plant-based diet? Specifically, protein, fat, vitamin B12, iron, Omega 3s, vitamin D. Do children need supplements? Is it okay for children to eat meat or dairy on occasion?

(2) Adults on a Plant-based diet.

How do I know if I am getting enough of the right balance of nutrients? Vitamin B12, zinc, iron, calcium, vitamin D? Should I supplement? We had a lot of readers asking questions specific to calcium. How can they get it from food? If they should supplement, what is the best way?

(3) The Protein Question

What is the right amount of protein? How do I know if I am getting enough? What if, due to a medical condition, someone cannot eat beans or tofu?

Once again, thank you to everyone who entered. And thank you in advance to Ms. Hever for answering our most popular questions.

If you would like to purchase your very own copy of this extremely valuable reference guide, you can get it here:

Thanks Julieanna and Alpha Books!

Have a great weekend everyone. I'll be back on Monday with another great giveaway. Whoo-hoo!!!!


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