Super Immunity Sneak Preview: Super Seed Oatmeal

Hi everyone! I hope you all had an amazing Labor Day Weekend. Sorry I've been so MIA lately. Between my oldest daughter's pneumonia and my family and I taking a short road trip to Buffalo, New York for a wedding, blogging was no where in my days.

The wedding was lovely, the bride and groom so in love. It has been my first venture into standard American food in quite a long, long time. Food was pretty out of my control, but I know how to handle that. Find out who is in charge and ask them for all of the veggies on the menu and none of the other stuff! A lot of the food tasted to me the way I remember airline food tasting. Could it be that the food was that bad? Or is it just that my taste buds have changed so dramatically over the past two years?

White bread tastes remarkably similar to cardboard.

As usual, I did my best to remain Plant-strong, only indulging in the dessert. And it was really, really good dessert. There were no cardboard tasting red velvet cupcakes.

The other thing that has been keeping me so busy is making my way through a new book that I agreed to review. I was contacted by the kind people over at HarperCollinsPublishers and asked to review Dr. Fuhrman's Super Immunity, which hits bookstores on September 20th.  Read it and test recipes I figure, what could be more fun than that?
And I was right!

So before I present you with the full review (and I have to do that by September 26th), here's a sneak preview of one of the recipes, tweaked a bit by me. Super Immunity does not have a lot of recipes, so I'm guessing that the recipes in the book are really special. If this recipe is any indication, we are in for a lot of great food. I give this oatmeal an A+! Positively addictive.

Super Seed Oatmeal
based on a recipe from Super Immunity by Dr. Joel Fuhrman

1 1/2 cups unsweetened almond milk (or other nut milk of your choice, can be vanilla flavored)
1/2 cup steel cut oats
1 apple, diced small
1 cup frozen mixed berries
1/4 cup currants
1 tbsp raw sunflower seeds
1 tbsp ground flax seeds
1 tbsp ground hemp seeds
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

In a larger pot than you think you need (otherwise this will boil over), bring nut milk to a simmer. Add oats and stir. Simmer, covered, for about 20 minutes, checking on it and stirring every once in a while. (I don't walk away from the pot for very long, I have a history of oatmeal messes.)

Meanwhile, as the oats are cooking, place all of the rest of the ingredients into a large bowl. When oats are ready, pour on top and fold well.

Divide into two bowls. Eat one now and refrigerate the other for tomorrow's breakfast.

This recipe is so spectacular, I have already made it a second time. I have a feeling that I am going to be presenting you with a lot of sneak previews.

Have you tasted hotel/catered food lately? What was your impression?


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