How to Build a Nutrient Dense Salad

By popular demand, I am presenting to you my method of building a nutrient dense salad.   I think it's pretty self explanatory, but please feel free to ask questions and I will answer them in the comment section.

I try to make a large salad for my husband and I every night for dinner. He eats about 2/3 of it and I 1/3. Without dressing, it keeps very well in the refrigerator, so you can make it in the morning and enjoy a stress free dinner. I usually serve it followed by some other cooked vegan food,  like roasted peppers stuffed with cous cous, eggplant, zucchini and mushrooms. But we try to eat the salad first.

The Base: Greens
These make up about 75% of the volume of our salads. You can add any or all of the following and I highly recommend keeping all of this on hand in your refrigerator and changing your mix up every day.

romaine lettuce
spring lettuce mix
kale-I like to chop it up really well
baby spinach
bibb lettuce

The Toppers (the other 25% of the volume of the salad):
(1) Extra Raw Veggies
Any or all of the following, depending upon your mood.

shredded or matchstick carrots
any other you prefer
raw red onion

(2) Beans
I open, wash and drain one can of beans almost every time I make a big salad.You don't need to use the whole can, you can use half and put the rest in a lunchbox if you have a bean loving kid, or just save some for another use.

(3) Seeds or Nuts
1 ounce for 2 people, that's it.

Pumpkin Seeds, aka Pepitas
Sunflower Seeds
Chopped Walnuts
Sliced/Slivered Almonds

(4) Sweet and Chewy
Just a little, and only if you like your food sweet, like I do.

Dried Fruit-diced
Goji Berries-my new favorite

(5) The Gravy
These are things that you can add to your salad if you have them on hand. They turn an ordinary salad into something really special.

leftover roasted veggies
leftover whole grains or potatoes
fruit like apples or strawberries or orange segments
roasted beets
roasted Brussels sprouts
hearts of palm
artichoke hearts (water packed)

I dress the salad with one of the infinite number of no-oil salad dressings. I guess I'll have to do a seperate post on that!

What have I missed?


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