Help! Send Me Your Oil-Free Salad Dressing Recipes

Probably the most frequent request I get as a no-oil Plant-strong blogger is "Help, I need a great no-oil salad dressing recipe." While there are many no-oil dressing recipes sprinkled throughout my hundreds of blog postings, I thought it would be a good idea to do a post on this subject and this subject alone.

So I'm asking for your help. I want to create a large list of no-oil salad dressing recipes, easily printable of course. I will post the recipes that have already been featured on HGK, and any that you submit to me within the next couple of days. If you are a blogger, please include your url so I can give you a shout out. Oh, and if the recipe is not your original creation, ie it's from a book or other site, I must publish the author's name, so please send that information along as well.

Please send recipes to

I think we can all benefit from a master list like this.

Thanks in advance for your help!


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