An Important and Time Sensitive Announcement from Chef Aj

Dear Friends,

I am pleased to announce that HTLA 2 [Healthy Taste of LA] is completely SOLD OUT with a waiting list!!! Over 300 people will be in attendance to hear our keynote speaker, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, speak twice and watch six culinary demos from the best plant based chefs in the world!!!

With over 300 people attending this year, we sadly had to turn folks away. Therefore, we are live streaming the entire event for free!!!

Here is the link: Please forward this to everyone you know who is interested in improving their health.

Please tune in at 9:00am Pacific Time to hear a musical tribute to Dr. Campbell. At 5:00pm (Pacific Time) we will be announcing our keynote speaker for HTLA 3 which will take place on November 4, 2012. Tickets for this event go on sale Sunday so don't be left out again next year!!!

Love & Kale,
Chef AJ



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