Thanksgiving-What I am Grateful for Today

For the (probably) few people who are on your computers today, I want to wish you all a beautiful and meaningful Thanksgiving!

Given this is a blog about food and all, you can imagine that Thanksgiving has a very special place in my heart. It's a big day for us foodies!

So I want to express how grateful I am that I live in a time when food is abundant and that I am fortunate enough to access healthy food. Now that comes with a whole host of other issues, as we all know. But the alternative would be worse.

I will never forget the stories of my grandmother. She was born in Russia and lived in a very poor village. As a child she got a job chewing food for babies. She was hoping that some of the nutrition from the food that touched her tongue would help her live.

So today I am thankful that my family is free to make our home in a place where food is abundant, even with all of the problems and issues that it brings.

And always remember, a holiday is more about the friends and the family, not the food, anyway. For more about cultivating an attitude of gratitude see this Thanksgiving gratitude post from The Healthy Librarian. You'll be so glad you did.

What are you grateful for today?

With lots of love and good wishes,


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