What a Blast. Chef Aj's Thai Noodle Salad.

What can I say? Between jet lag, the time change, sous cheffing for Chef Aj all day yesterday and then hosting a large pot luck last night, my brain is kinda fried!

So this post will be brief. I want to highlight one of the recipes from last night's pot luck: Chef Aj's Thai Noodles. Main ingredients? Rice noodles, broccoli, haricot vert, scallions and carrots. All smothered in peanut butter or sunbutter, lime juice, maple syrup or date syrup and other tasty things. Can anyone say "yumkins?"

Served with extra dressing on the side.

Ate it for breakfast this morning straight from the storage container.

Having it again for lunch over a huge bed of fresh spinach leaves.

Can you tell I liked it?

It's that right balance of spicy and sweet, crunchy and soft. Yumkins.

Get the recipe here, straight from Chef Aj.

And lucky for all of us, my friend Quinny wrote a hilarious accounting of her experience at this pot luck. Thanks for sharing Quinny!

Enjoy and have a great day!


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