I'm Baaaaack! and a Special Local Event

Hi everyone! I missed you.

Here I am, back from a whirlwind and amazing trip. Since this is not a travel blog (and I hardly travel anyway), I won't bore you with the gory details of my adventure. I will, however, point out the top three things I learned while away.

#1 I Can Eat Salad for Breakfast

This is something I never thought possible. Is that a sentence?

Every day for breakfast the hotel had a gorgeous spread of food. Sure, there were lots of things on the buffet that wouldn't qualify on my ideal eating plan, but here's what breakfast I enjoyed for the entire ten days:

Romaine lettuce, arugula, chopped cucumbers, tomato slices, carrot salad with yellow raisins, pickled eggplant, red peppers, yellow peppers, canned corn with diced red pepper. Topped with nothing but fresh lemon juice. A big slice of freshly baked whole grain bread on the side. Canned plums, peaches and pears. Fresh melon and bananas. Turkish coffee. Halvah.

Needless to say, I'm craving my new favorite breakfast right now.

#2 The Food Abroad is Naturally Plant-strong Compared with the SAD

I didn't know what to expect as far as what food would be available on my journey. But I didn't stress out about it, I knew I had to go with the flow. Like I said, I don't travel much, so I felt like I didn't need to be so controlling about the food. If I spent two weeks eating things less desirable than I would like, I have enough knowledge and confidence now to not let it shake me. In the past, blowing my "diet" would have sent me packing.

What happened in reality is that the food was incredible, and incredibly plant-strong. Except for the generous use of olive oil. It did bum me out, but I knew that I had no control. I was grateful every day for the wonderful vegan food full of local, fresh vegetables. Not a green smoothie in sight, but fresh juice bars on almost every street. Fresh salads available like McDonald's is available in North America.

 YUM! My friends and I are going to try to recreate some of the ingredient/flavor combinations, so look out for some interesting recipes soon.

#3 We Are Not Human "Doings," We are Human "Beings"

I spent the entire trip living in the moment. It was more wonderful than I can even describe. My take away? Stop trying to over achieve.


Be more.

Life will take care of itself.

Thank you to Adrienne Gold of Toronto for pointing that out to me.


And if you are a Northeast Ohioan, please attend what is sure to be a rockin' fun time:

Wednesday, November 9th – 7 p.m. - $5
Chef AJ !!!
Author and Chef Abbie Jaye, known as "Chef AJ" will appear at Whole Foods Cedar Center for a special talk and cooking demo around her new book, Unprocessed. We have 50 seats available for this event, so RSVP early with payment at the Customer Service Desk. (216) 371-5320 Seating starts at 6:30 and is first-come/first served. Cost is $5 and is payable at the time of reservation. Pick up a copy of her book in our Whole Body Department and read her amazing life transformation story that will have you laughing and crying and thinking about how you eat.


Did you learn anything the past two weeks that you could share with us?


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