Housekeeping: My New Recipage

A few HGK readers have e-mailed me asking "where did the list of cuisines go when I go to your healthy recipes page?"

"I was trying to find your smoothie recipes and let me just say I am not technologically inclined, but couldn’t find them in the new recipe set up. I tried, 'smoothie' and also tried to view the 'list' but nothing ever popped up. Any suggestions? Thanks so much."

"Hi Wendy, your blog is great. I only found it a couple of weeks ago and it has been a big inspiration to change my lifestyle. My wife and I made the channa plak masala (sp?) last night from the happy herbivore site and it was fabulous. I seem to recall when I first stumbled upon your site that you had categories like 'Mexican', 'Indian', etc and I can’t find than anymore. I know you also mentioned Manjula’s kitchen and now when I search manjula trying to find it that way, I don’t get any results. Am I doing something wrong?"

So I thought it was time that I share the "news" with you.

But a little backstory first. And some words of advice, in case those that reading this also happen to be food bloggers.

I crave organization. Perhaps that's why my New Year Resolution was getting uber organized.

So it goes without saying that I want my blog to be organized. The recipes, to be more specific. And I tried, I really did. I worked with my blog designer and we came up with the best plan that we knew of. And that resulted in the old "Healthy Recipes" page on HGK that listed the types of cusines and the types of foods and it provided a way of organizing and searching the HGK recipe bank, but not the best way.

I knew there was something much better out there, I just didn't know it was right at my fingertips and that it was FREE. Somehow I assumed it was really out of my reach.

That thing is called Recipage, and it's super easy to use, and it's FREE.

So for all of my beloved HGK readers, I owe you an apology.

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to provide this for you. And I'm sorry because it is going to take me many months to re-upload all of my recipes into the Recipage system. I calculate that this is going to take me about 50 hours. And it's all got to come out of my spare time.

Don't worry, the recipes are all still there. And you can access them all just by doing a simple search using the search box on the upper right hand side of HGK. You just kind of have to know what you are looking for.

The best is yet to come. In the future, everything will look like this.

So if you have a food blog, do yourself a favor and start using Recipage, before it's too late. Wish I had!

Did you check out my new Healthy Recipes Recipage? Do you think I should take the time to upload all of my old recipes into this system?


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