Smokin' Collard Green Stacks

I've got a wonderful friend named Jessica who forwards me all sorts of healthy recipes to try. She gets many of them from Dr. Roxanne Sukol. Dr. Sukol used to be Jessica's primary care physician (she also happens to have a blog called Your Health is on Your Plate), but now the good doc has assumed the position of head of Dr. Roizen's Lifestyle 360 program here at The Cleveland Clinic.

That's probably more information than you wanted to know.

 But I wanted you to know where this recipe's inspiration came from. Here's what Dr.Sukol had to say about  Dr. Bradley’s Smokin’ Collards: "According to my esteemed colleague, Dr. Linda Bradley, who had the vision and inspiration to purchase and prepare 10 pounds of collards for a vegan Christmas dish, her entire family ate every morsel!"  

Well then, I just had to try these for myself! And I'm glad I did. The inclusion of molasses gives us a nice hit of iron, which I can always use. Here's my take:

Smokin' Collard Green Stacks

Printable Recipe

1/4 cup low sodium vegetable broth 
1 large yellow onions
6 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 Tbsp chipotle in adobe (Comes in a small can.  For more heat, use a bit more.  Transfer the rest to a container and save in the freezer.)  
2 Tbsp cider vinegar
2 Tbsp smoked paprika, divided
2 tsp low sodium soy sauce or Tamari
1/4 cup low sodium vegetable stock
2 Tbsp black strap molasses
2 pounds (2 bunches) collard greens, washed clean, torn from the stem, and rough chopped.
1 15 ounce can black beans, rinsed and drained
salt (or not) and pepper to taste
In a large dutch oven or pot, heat broth on medium high heat until bubbling. Add onions and sauté 6-7 minutes until onions are wilting.  Add garlic, and cook 2 more minutes.  Stir in chipotle, 1 Tbsp of paprika, vinegar, soy sauce, extra vegetable stock and molasses.
Stir in the collard greens. Cover and cook for 45 min, stirring occasionally.  Then add the remaining paprika, black beans, salt (or not), and pepper, and cook 5-10 more minutes. 
Serving suggestion:  Eat the collards as is or serve stacked with

Roasted Potato "Chips"

For this recipe, 3 medium-large baking potatoes should provide you with enough "chips" for the volume of greens.

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

Prepare 2 baking trays by lining them with aluminum foil and lightly spraying them with cooking oil spray.

Slice the potatoes diagonally into 1/8" thick ovals.  Lay the slices of baking potato so that each slice slightly overlaps the next.

Bake trays of potato "chips" for approximately 45 minutes, rotating trays in the oven every 15 minutes or so if you are roasting more than one tray of potatoes at a time. They are done when they are soft and slightly browned.

To serve, layer potatoes and greens on a plate until they seem like they will fall over. Don't worry if they do, it still tastes great!

How has your first week of the new year been?

So far, so good for me. I have been making better choices since Susan voiced her

New Year's Challenge over at Fat Free Vegan. I have even started making oatmeal for breakfast thanks to Debby The Healthy Librarian. Lots of greens, soup, and salads. A few Vegan chocolate chips. I'm not a saint!

What have you been eating this week?

I'm also happy to report that my resolution of following the 365 days of organizing is going very well. I didn't even realize how much clutter is collecting in our house. It's fun to throw away stuff. Especially food (Thai red curry paste, to be exact) with a 2008 expiration date on it! Didn't even know it was in there . . . let alone that old . . .

Considering Going Gluten Free?

And last but not least, ever wonder what all this hooplah about going gluten free is all about? Here's a great article from Disease Proof explaining it all, and why if you don't have Celiac disease, or at least a major gluten sensitivity, going gluten free is a distraction from your real issues.
Have a wonderful weekend y'all!


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