The Women's Foundation

Mission, Vision and Values


We mobilize our community to ensure that economically vulnerable women and girls in the Washington region have the resources they need to thrive.


The Washington region is a model community that ensures women and girls are on a path to prosperity.
Washington Area Women’s Foundation is an influential, respected, visionary national leader of community strategies that enrich the lives of women and girls.


We are a results-oriented, creative catalyst for social change.
We take risks and work towards equity as respectful, cooperative listeners and learners.
Inquiry, accountability, and sustainability are woven throughout our work, and diversity and inclusion are central pillars.

Building a Path to Prosperity

In 2011, The Women’s Foundation responded to the continuing national economic crisis and increase in local poverty by sharpening its focus on the economic security of women and girls.  The Foundation wanted to ensure that our community’s collective resources are focused on the intersection of where there is the most need and where we can have the most impact.  The new mission, vision and values are the results of our efforts. 


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