UYS Daily! -"Uniquely You" Summit, Inc.


To let brown girls know that they matter; even though the world has tried to tell them otherwise. To provoke a state of mind where they do not feel inferior to the degree of their melanin, hair type, hair length and texture, or social and familial deficiency, complexity, or intricacy. Rather, continually inspired by brown women that have come before them, who have faced those same challenges

For the third time, on September 15th & 16th 2012, with real examples of positive black women who’ve kept their sights set on creating their own definition of themselves, and more importantly found a muse in inspiring dreams in the girls they once were, the 2012 UNIQUELY YOU SUMMIT FOR GIRLS, with the help of the National Alumnae Association of Spelman College,  produced yet another event that heartened the spirit of black girls.  Through the incitement of individualitythe 3rd Annual Uniquely YOU Summit infused and nurtured self-esteem by encouraging girls to discover who they were really meant to be; uniquely defined and becamewho they are; and provoked an unconditional love for themselves!
“With VIBE Magazine’s recent nod to Reality TV Star “Role-Modeling”(in their June 2012 Issue), it has become exceedingly critical that we [UYS] make available an equal number of positive and accurate images and stories of black women for every damaging and incorrect one trending on social mediareleased on the blogs and making their debut on a variety of television networks.” – Shaleah Laché Sutton (UNIQUELY YOU SUMMIT – Founder & President)
Over the past two years UYS girls have tackled the various and damaging images nurtured and cultivated by the media that overwhelm their daily abilities to be sound, confident, and hopeful young people.  With the help of prominent and accomplished women, like:  Sheryl Lee Ralph, Dr. Robin L. Smith, Kim Coles, Tracey Ferguson, Tina C. Wells, Lisa Nutter, Beverly Bond, Lori Wilson, Pauletta Washington, Rebecca K. Crews and so many others, the Uniquely YOU Summit is continually able to authenticate the power of becoming your best and most unique self, as well as validate the strength of, and influence in, making healthy and positive life choices, among young black women and girls!

The Reach

We reach about 500-plus girls per year in the US Mid-Atlantic Region, with a heavy concentration in the Greater Philadelphia and Tri-State Area.
This one-of-a-kind annual discussion serves as a catalyst to inspire riveting conversations among 500-600 girls about sensitive issues that make daily impressions on their lives. The objective of the 3rd Annual Uniquely YOU Summit for Girls, is to induce an excitement about BECOMING WHO YOU ARE!
“[Shaleah] I can’t express how much I thank you for not giving up on us young ladies. You’ve changed so many girls’ lives within these past few years including mine and I want you to hear that we are grateful for all that you’ve done. Thank you for the experiences of the “Uniquely You” Summits!” - Christina Baker, 17 (2010-2011 UYS Participant)


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