F.L.Y. Mentoring Services Inc.


F.L.Y. Mentoring Services Inc. provides a fun and engaging approach to teaching our girls the basics of etiquette, life skills and building and maintaining self esteem.

F.L.Y. Mentoring Services Inc. is a 501c3 organization dedicated to teaching life-skills, etiquette and self esteem to African-American girls between the ages of 11-17. F.L.Y. is an acronym which stands for Forever Loving Yourself! F.L.Y. Mentoring Services Inc. provides a fun and engaging approach to teaching our girls the basics of etiquette, life skills, and building and maintaining self esteem. F.L.Y. is completely dedicated to reaching out to schools, churches and various youth organizations to provide unique workshops.This program targets African-American girls but we serve all girls. Through our workshops, our goal is for girls to mature into confident, graceful young women.


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