And the Winner of The Vegan Cheat Sheet is . . .

Okay, I admit it. I'm managing too many blog giveaways at once. But they keep coming at us and I don't want to miss a single opportunity for fun.

Last week it was The Vegan Cheat Sheet by Amy Cramer and Lisa McComsey. It's got over 100 oil-free vegan recipes that are all fast and easy. It's also got an awesome section on restaurant dos and don'ts for sticking to your Plant-strong or Plant Perfect plan.

That's them. Aren't they pretty?

This week it's The New Fast Food by Jill Nussinow. Don't miss that one! There's still time to enter and just reading the contest entries is inspiring. So many people are using and loving their pressure cookers, especially those Instant Pots! Boy do they make pressure cooking a breeze.

But back to The Vegan Cheat Sheet. Do you want to know who won their very own complimentary copy of this new book?

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