The Dessert Post. Raw Salted Caramel Apple Pie.

Hello friends! If this is your first time here in a few days, welcome to the new blog design. It's a work in progress and I am attempting to fix some of the things that many of you are concerned about. The readability of the main text is something that the designer that I bought the template from will need to change. I'm hoping that will be fixed rather quickly. The lack of a blogroll has been partially made up for by adding a list of resources (see top navigation) to the blog. I will see if there is a way for that page to become a dynamically updatable feature, but I've got my doubts that it is possible.

In between working on the blog design this past weekend, my husband and I hosted not one, but two, parties. The first was a barbecue at our home for his pick-up basketball crew. Not exactly Plant-strong, but it was his party and I had to go along with it. I prepared a spread of raw vegan desserts and asked everyone not to bring any desserts to share. I prepared everything well ahead of time and froze all of the treats. On the day of the party I just pulled out white dishes of varying heights and it was a snap to create a fun display.
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