Is it Just a Phase?


My husband asked me why I stopped making us salads for dinner every night. He said he'd gained ten pounds lately and that he figured it was because he wasn't eating volumes of salad for dinner anymore.

I've noticed that I am relying more and more on vegan and vegetarian frozen foods to feed my three children. I might be accumulating ownership in Morningstar Farms at the rate that I am purchasing boxes of faux chicken nuggets.

All that stuff that a few years ago I was snuffing my nose at in the frozen section of Trader Joe's--frozen pizzas, frozen breakfast convenience foods--I'm filling our freezer up with it every week now.

I'm tired and that's all there is too it.

Back when I found God, whoops, I mean a plant-based diet, I had so much enthusiasm and energy to plan and prep and cook and blog and everything that goes along with this lifestyle. And that passion and energy lasted many years, and things were very good. That doesn't mean that it wasn't hard or a struggle a lot of the time--fighting with my kids over what they were going to eat for three meals each and every day or putting up a fuss about the food that was going to be served at social events or debating what restaurant we were making reservations at on rare evenings out with extended family or friends.
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