The Eat to Live Cookbook Project: Friday Recap and Next Week's Cooking

How excited are you for Thanksgiving?

I know I don't need to remind you of this, but Thanksgiving is coming in one week! Tee hee! To be totally honest, I'm focusing on getting ready for the holiday because Thanksgiving is by far my favorite food holiday of all time. I've got to clean the heck outta my house, set the table and do a whole lotta cooking. In case you are wondering what will be at our Thanksgiving feast, you can read about that here.

But since I did manage to miss one of the recipes that I planned on cooking this week, and the ingredients are waiting there in my fridge, calling my name, there will be one more Eat to Live post coming soon.

Speaking of Eat to Live, I feel like I am in the middle of a nuts vs. potatoes war. I just want to state for the record that I do not have an opinion on this matter AT ALL, as I am not a doctor or a scientist. I am simply one real person testing and trying out plant based recipes and attempting to find what works for moi. Each of us needs to find our mojo with food, there are no short cuts. I see plenty of success stories on both sides--those eating nuts and those eating starches.

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