Mom's Famous Sweet-n-Sour Cabbage

It always seems like those homey dishes that you remember from childhood turn out to be not-so-good-for-you by today's standards.  Well, this dish is one of the exceptions.  I happen to love it, and it's low calorie! If you're like me and you love your veggies, you could gobble this up all by itself, or it is fantastic paired with chicken. It freezes really well, so one batch can have a bonus round at a later date!

Sweet & Sour Cabbage
makes 12 cups

3 Tbsp vegetable broth
1 medium onion, chopped
1 medium red cabbage, coarsely shredded
2 large apples, granny smith works well, peeled and sliced
1 bay leaf
3 Tbsp maple syrup or brown sugar
1 tsp salt
pinch of pepper
1 Tbsp lemon juice or vinegar
optional: Dark raisins

Heat broth in a large pot.  Add onion and brown lightly.  Add shredded cabbage to pot.  Stir.  Cover pot and cook on medium-low heat for 25 minutes.  Add apples, bay leaf, agave or brown sugar, salt, pepper and lemon juice or vinegar and stir.  Cook another 25 minutes, covered, stirring occassionally.

You can add dark raisins if desired in the last 25 minutes of cooking.


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