Two Sweet Treats!

Sweet Treat #1: Welcome Peer Trainers!
I just wanted to let everyone know that something exciting happened yesterday to my blog.  Jackie from sent out an e-mail to about 30,000 people letting them know of it's existence.  I'm so excited that my blog is having such amazing exposure with an audience that can really help build some traction.  Please, if you like what you read/see here, let me know!

Sweet Treat #2: If you love vanilla and coconut and are need something sweet every once-in-a-while, these are a nice fix that you can keep in your freezer and enjoy without all of the guilt.

Raw Vanilla Macaroons
2 cups shredded coconut (not toasted)
2 Tbs agave or honey
2 Tbs raw almond butter
2 Tbs maca powder (Maca is a superfood, found the powder at Whole Foods)
1 Tbs pure vanilla extract or powder
Generous pinch of sea salt

Mix together by hand or with a wooden spoon in a bowl, until it sticks together, adding more sweetener or water to make it stick. 

Scoop 1 Tbsp of mixture at a time and roll into balls.  You can eat these immediately - they're perfectly chewy and delicious without dehydration.  Or you can scoop entire mixture onto a pie plate and spread until it is in an even layer.  Freeze (this sets them a little more) for a few hours and then remove from freezer, pry frozen disk off of pie plate and place in a cutting board.  With a large chef's knife, cut into triangles.


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