Minty Green Smoothie

OMG! That's the only way to describe this yummy green smoothie. I happen to be a big fan of anything with mint, especially sweet things with mint. And I was inspired this morning by a blog posting on that was a guest post on today about creativity with food. Check it out, it's really funny and inspiring.

Superfantastic Mint Smoothie

1 1/2 small or 1 large banana, frozen, cut into large chunks
1 1/2 cups unsweetened almond milk
2 large dates, pitted
about 7 ice cubes
3/4 cup frozen spinach
1 Tbsp flax meal (aka ground flaxseed)
a drip of peppermint extract-be careful, you can always add more once you taste it!

Place all ingredients in a blender (preferably a high powered one) and blend until smooth.

My love of mint goes so deep, that this smoothie will become one of my staple smoothies. What are your thoughts on mint? Love it or hate it?

I also want to make you aware of another great blog posting that I read this morning. If you have been following Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, this will be of particular interest.


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