No fresh eggs at the White House Garden - From Washington Post

"This spring, the garden expanded from 1,100 square feet to 1,500 square feet and features a wide variety - broccoli, rhubarb, carrots, spinach, cauliflower, peas and collard greens. There are even some lettuces grown from seeds and sprouts that originated in Thomas Jefferson's garden.

Coming soon: corn, beans, cantaloupe, pumpkins, leeks and artichokes. Kass says they might even try their hand at pickling some cucumbers and beans for the first family.

Kass and aides to Mrs. Obama won't elaborate on why the garden isn't technically organic.
"What's really powerful about this garden is it shows kids where food comes from," he says. "It's captured attention around the world."

One thing that won't be added to the expanding patch of land? Eggs.
"We are not going to have chickens on the White House lawn," Kass confirmed.

I tried my best.
I am sorry I never heard back from writing my letter.


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