No Oil Salad Dressing: Green Salad with Tempeh and Orange Miso Dressing

Okay, this dinner isn't rocket science, but it exemplifies how you can make an extraordinary salad dressing with NO OIL. Tom at Organic Energy ( ) was kind enough to finally share the recipe with me and I am so grateful. While I am not publishing the ratios of ingredients for it here on my blog (I figure that's kinda proprietary for Tom), I am showing you what goes into this delectable, guilt-free salad dressing. I was a little concerned about whether or not my husband would like this salad and I am happy to report that he loved it!

Green Salad with Tempeh and Orange Miso Dressing

For the salad: romaine lettuce, baby spinach, pepitas, craisins, black beans, tempeh (sliced and heated up in a pan coated with cooking spray)

For the dressing: oranges, white miso paste, raw honey, raw onion, raw carrot, raw ginger, raw garlic (optional) all blended up in a high powered blender.

I would LOVE, LOVE,  LOVE it if you guys who are reading this have any NO OIL salad dressing recipes that you have tried and liked. Please post them to the comments section so that we can all share! And if you would like the ratio of ingredients for the Orange Miso Dressing, please contact me at I will get it to you by e-mail. Thanks!


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