Our Mission

Since 1976, Abby Kelley Foster House, Inc. (Abby’s House) has provided more than 11,500 homeless women and children with a safe place to stay, regroup, and rebuild. Abby’s House was among the first shelter for women, with or without children, in the U.S. At present, it is one of two family shelters in the area that does not require its guests to be on welfare. With 78 units, Abby’s House is the largest provider of affordable housing in Worcester designed to meet the needs of women and children. Generous contributions from our donors make it possible to meet the increasingly complex needs of the women and children who walk through our doors.

This poem was written by a group of the women who live at Abby's House and read to the staff at our annual Valentine's Day luncheon, 2011:

When we were friendless you befriended us,

When we were hungry you offered us food,

When we were sick you had compassion,

When we were homeless you invited us in,

So with deep gratitude,

We thank you for bearing with us,

We thank you for caring about us,

We thank you for sharing with us.

With sincere sisterly love,

Abby's Darlings!

This poem captures what we strive to achieve at Abby's House. It's not just about providing women and children with a place to live, but acknowledging where each woman is in her journey to empowerment and by creating an individualizedservice plan that helps her achieve her goals.

This would not be possible, however, without the significant and ongoing support provided by our corporators, board, staff, volunteers, funders and donors. We appreciate the efforts of everyone who's involved in helping us fulfill our mission.


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