Family Empowerment Center is a non-denominational Christian church. Our warm, inviting, church family is multi-cultural and welcomes people of all ages, races, and nationalities. Its is our vison to TRAIN, DEVELOP & HARVEST
General Information
Family Empowerment Center is a non-denominational Christian church. Our warm, inviting, church family is multi-cultural and welcomes people of all ages, races, and nationalities.We believe in the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
It is our job to train each believer to live according to the Word and Will of God and equip them to go out and teach others. We believe that each person is an evangelist and should go out and share the Good News!
Statement of Beliefs
- The Bible: We believe that the entire Bible, both Old and New Testament, is the inspired Word of God. We believe that the Bible is without error in its original manuscript, absolutely infallible, and is our source of supreme revelation from God. The Word of God is superior to conscience and reason, though not contrary to reason; and it is therefore our infallible guide for rules regarding the practice of our faith. (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 1 Peter 1:23-25; Hebrews 4:12)
- The Trinity: We believe in the Trinity; God the Father (Genesis 1: 1-3), God the Son (Romans 3:22-25), and God the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-4). We encourage all our members to seek the highest Christian experience possible in this life and to encourage others to do the same. (Matthew 5:14 –16, 2 Peter 1: 4-10)
- Jesus: We believe in the Virgin Birth and that Jesus Christ shed his blood on the cross for the remission of sin (Luke 1:26-31; Romans 3:25), for the regeneration of penitent sinners, and for salvation of all who believe (Ephesians 2:1-10, I John3: 5-10).
- Sanctification: We believe that Sanctification is a progressive work, accomplished by the grace of God, through the faith of the believer (Exodus 31:13, Hebrews 10:9-14).
- Healing: We believe in Divine Healing as in the Atonement. (Exodus 15:26, Psalm 103:3, Acts 8:7, Isaiah 53: 4-5, Matthew 8:16-17, Mark 16:14-15, James 5:14-15).
- The Second Coming: We believe in the eminent personal pre-millennial Second Coming of our Lord Savior Jesus Christ (I Thessalonians 4:15-18, Titus 2:13, 2 Peter 3:1-18, Matt 24:20-44), and we love and wait for his appearing.
Justification: We believe that repentance and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ produces the work of justification in the believer. Through faith in Christ, a believer is justified and made a partaker in the death of Christ. This is the initial step of salvation. (Romans 5:1,9; Luke 22:20) We believe, teach, and firmly maintain the scriptural doctrine of Justification by faith alone through the blood. (Romans 3:24, 5:6-9, Ephesians 1:7).
- Baptism: We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4; 10:46; 19:6) and that it is the seal of the New Covenant relationship between God and His people (Ephesians 1:13; 4:30; II Corinthians 1:22). Speaking in other tongues is the accompanying sign of receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit (Mark 16:17). We also hold that the real evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is one's response to the Word of God (John 16:13), a Christ-like life, showing forth Christ's character, nature and experiencing and manifesting the fruit of the Holy Spirit. (John 15:26; 16:14; Galatians 5:22-23)
- Foundation of the Faith: We believe that each believer must build his/her life on a foundation of Biblical truth and experience. These "foundation stones" are: repentance from dead works, faith in God, instruction in the doctrines of baptism, laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead, eternal judgment, and perfection (Hebrews 6:1-3).
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