Women's Economic Ventures

About Us
As Americans, we are proud to live in “the land of opportunity.” But let’s be honest, everyone does not have equal access to those opportunities. That’s why, in 1991, Women’s Economic Ventures (WEV) established its micro-loan fund and self-employment training program.  Since then, we have worked diligently to create an equitable and just society through the economic empowerment of women. And although we target women because of the unique challenges they face, we help men, too.

Today, we live in a rapidly changing society where jobs are less secure, the gap between rich and poor is growing wider every day and the middle class is shrinking rapidly. Business ownership has provided a path out of poverty as well as financial security for generations of Americans.

WEV programs combine classroom training, capital and individual technical assistance to support the small business entrepreneur through start-up, stabilization and growth phases. Most services are provided in Spanish and English.

WEV uses our own custom training curriculum: From Vision to Venture: Planning for Business Success. Currently in its fourth edition, it is published in both Spanish and English.  Following is a summary of the services that WEV provides:

Core Training

Self-Employment Training: A comprehensive 14-week, 56-hour course, using WEV’s own proven curriculum, From Vision to Venture, which helps clients write business plans in order to start up or expand microenterprises or small businesses. The training covers self-assessment, business feasibility, marketing, finance, operational and personnel management and business planning.
Business Plan Intensive: A six-week, 42-hour class targeted to existing business owners — who need to create or update a business plan in order to secure business capital — and to clients with the experience and capacity to move more quickly through the planning stages of a new venture.
Advanced Training

Workshops, classes and full-day conferences help entrepreneurs take their businesses to the next level of growth and sustainability through lifelong learning. Advanced training provides opportunities for clients to increase their knowledge of specific subject areas such as financial management, sales and marketing, technology, operations and government contracting.

Individual Business Services

Business Consulting: Individual technical assistance in areas such as marketing, finance, strategic planning and capital strategies.
Entrepreneurial Coaching: A professional coach helps clients achieve their full potential by helping to identify and overcome personal challenges and barriers to success.
Thrive in Five™: A structured, case-management model designed to provide comprehensive, individualized support, training and capital throughout the first five years of a business.

Access to Capital

WEV has been a certified CDFI since 1999 and is currently expanding its lending operations and staffing in order to meet the increasing credit needs of local businesses. WEV’s Small Business Loan Fund provides start-up loans of $1,000 to $25,000 to pre-bankable microenterprises and up to $50,000 to growing businesses. WEV staff provides loan consultations and loan packaging assistance.

Networking and Ongoing Support

WEV Got Business: WEV’s membership organization is designed to support clients throughout the lifecycle of their business. Benefits include an enhanced online business directory listing, entrepreneurial coaching and member rates for business consulting and advanced training.
WEV Got News!: Monthly e-newsletter providing business tips, informing clients of services and events and highlighting client success stories.
Mastermind: WEV trains clients how to leverage their support network by creating Mastermind groups. This peer group model provides weekly accountability and feedback to help members succeed.
WEB-based Services: WEV maintains a client Business Directory and highlights client Success Stories on our website. WEV also provides loan and program applications online as well as information and templates to enhance on-site training and help clients complete their business plans.


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