
The National Women's Law Center has worked for four decades to expand, defend and promote women’s rights at every stage of the legal
To protect and advance the progress of women and girls at work, in school, and in virtually every aspect of their lives.
Company Overview
Since 1972, the Center has expanded the possibilities for women and girls in this country. The Center uses the law in all its forms: getting new laws on the books and enforced; litigating ground-breaking cases in state and federal courts all the way to the Supreme Court; and educating the public about ways to make the law and public policies work for women and their families. An experienced staff of more than 50 takes on the issues that cut to the core of women's and girls' lives in education, employment, family economic security, and health -- with special attention given to the needs of low-income women and their families.
General Information
Please note that the National Women's Law Center takes on only a few cases each year – ones that raise new legal issues that will affect large numbers of people. If you need a lawyer for your individual case, or wish to file a complaint on your own, please visit the “If You Need Legal Assistance” section of our website ( and one or more of the listed organizations or government agencies may be able to help you. Please note, however, that providing this access to other web sites does not necessarily imply endorsement or approval of the products or information offered at those sites.


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