About Us
Girls Incorporated of Worcester (Girls Inc.) is a non-profit organization with a proud 95 year history of supporting girls to navigate successfully through the challenges of growing up female, of inspiring girls to dream big dreams and gain the skills and confidence to achieve them, and to, with them, be their voice in the community. 
Girls Inc. of Worcester serves 1,500 girls annually ranging in ages 5-18, Monday through Friday and Saturday at our facility located on Providence Street and through fourteen direct services sites in schools, housing developments, and program partnerships in greater Worcester.
Girls Inc. is the leading national expert on girls’ issues and houses the largest, most comprehensive research center on girls in the country at its National Resource Center (NRC) in Indianapolis. Because our core programs are researched, developed and piloted by the NRC, Girls Inc. provides the highest quality, cutting edge, and age appropriate programming available to girls in the Greater Worcester area.
Inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold by offering quality research-based programs in a safe environment and providing opportunities for girls to take healthy risks, build leadership skills and master physical, intellectual, social and emotional challenges. 
IInspirar a las niñas y a las jóvenes a ser seguras, inteligentes, y decididas
Our vision is to be….
  • the premier organization in Greater Worcester that empowers girls to realize their full potential and recognize their rights;
  • widely recognized as the research-driven educator, collaborator, and advocate for girls and young women in our community;
  • an organization with a sustainable business model, recognized throughout the community for having a professionally-trained and empowered staff and a strong brand image as THE organization that supports girls develop into strong and confident women.
Girls' Bill of Rights
  • Girls have the right to be themselves and to resist gender stereotypes.
  • Girls have the right to express themselves with originality and enthusiasm.
  • Girls have the right to take risks, to strive freely and to take pride in success.
  • Girls have the right to accept and appreciate their bodies.
  • Girls have the right to have confidence in themselves and to be safe in the world.
  • Girls have the right to prepare for interesting work and economic independence.
La declaración de derechos de chica
  • Las muchachas tienen el derecho a ser ellas mismas y a contrarrestar estereotipos de género.
  • Las muchachas tienen el derecho a expresarse ellas mismas con originalidad y etusiasmo.
  • Las muchachas tienen el derecho a corer riesgos, a la libre cometencia y a sentir orgulo se su éxito
  • Las muchachas tienen el derecho a aceptar y querer sus cuerpos
  • Las muchachas tienen el derecho a tener confianza en ellas mismas y estar a salvo en el mundo
  • Las muchachas tienen el derecho a capacitarse para realizar trabajos interesantes y a contra con su independencia económica


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