The Eat to Live Cookbook Project: Recap and This Weekend's Cooking

I'm already gearing up for week 2 of The Eat to Live Project, which will really be week 3 for me of eating almost strictly Nutritarian. You see, a week before I started the project I began to carefully watch what I was preparing and consuming and gearing it to Nutritarianism, rather than a more loosey-goosey version of a no-oil Vegan diet that included things like whole wheat bread and whole wheat pasta and other non-Nutritarian foods.

What happened in week one (when I wasn't cooking from the new Eat to Live Cookbook)? I lost 3 pounds.

What happened in week two (when I was cooking from the new Eat to Live Cookbook)? I gained 1 pound back.

Could it be the nuts? I'm thinking it might be. Dr. Fuhrman recommend no more than one ounce of nuts per day if you would like to lose weight. That's the equivalent of 160 calories or 22-24 whole almonds, 16-18 cashews, 14 walnut halves, 49 pistachios, or 16 pine nuts.

I have been preparing the recipes from the cookbook with the exact amount of nuts as indicated in each recipe, but I am starting to wonder if the nuts in the smoothies, followed by the nuts in the salad dressings at lunch, and then topped off by the nuts in the soup are putting me over my nut allotment for the day.

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