Call Out For Oil-free Dressing Recipes and Bragg's Giveaway!

Many of you are probably aware of the fact that I am hard at work putting together Volume II of my Big List of Oil-free Dressing recipes. Thank you to everyone that has already submitted an original recipe or a link to another blogger or author's recipe. I am in the process of checking with those authors to confirm that they are okay with including their recipe in this printable list.

In the meantime, we need more recipes! So I thought I would sweeten the deal a bit for all of you oil-free dressing lovers.

Bragg, maker of my absolute favorite raw Apple Cider Vinegar contacted me a few weeks ago about their bottled oil-free salad dressings. They've got two flavors, Braggberry Dressing and Marinade and Hawaiian Dressing and Marinade. Both are delicious, really low calorie, made from totally wholesome ingredients, and absolute must have pantry items for the plant-based pantry.


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