The New Eat to Live Cookbook, Healthy Girls Kitchen Attempts Julie and Julia Style

Many years ago, when I first read Eat to Live and Eat for Health by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, I was lucky enough to stumble on the blog of a woman who had challenged herself to cook each and every recipe from Eat for Health and blog about it. Her name is Jana and I scoured her blog over and over for anything I could glean about which recipes I should attempt to make. You can check out her amazing story here.

Fast forward about three years. I got wind that Dr. Fuhrman was on the verge of releasing a brand new cookbook, called The Eat to Live Cookbook (you can peruse some of the content here.) It immediately occurred to me--what if I made every recipe from that cookbook and blogged about it?

And then I dismissed the thought as certifiably nuts.

Why would I even want to do something like that?

Selfishness, really. It would be motivation to cook all of this Nutritarian food, even when I'm tired and lazy. Plus and an infusion of fun on my blog. A challenge. And just to see what would happen.
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