Coffee Cream Smoothie and Vegan Brown Rice Sushi Take Two

There were a lot of cut up filling ingredients left from my first foray into home sushi rolling, so I went for it again the next night.  The resulting sushi is photographed above.  For instructions on how to make your own brown rice sushi, go to  I plan on using the rest of the cut vegetable leftovers tonight in an Asian stir fry with broiled tofu and rice noodles that I am concocting in my head right now. If it works, you'll hear about it!

I was inspired one morning this week as I read the most recent posting on the Choosing Raw blog.  I too share Gena's guilt-free love of coffee and had been thinking for a good long while about experimenting myself with a coffee smoothie.  All it took was one look at hers and I went for it! 

Here's my take on a coffee smoothie. It's definitely for coffee lovers only!

Wendy's Coffee Cream Smoothie
serves 1

1 cup brewed coffee
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 Tbsp chia seeds or ground flax
2 large dates, pitted
1 1/2 large frozen banana
7 ice cubes

Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.


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