Do these Veggies Make My Boobs Look Big?

Okay, not the most flattering photograph of me, but the good news is that I "cooked" up a storm yesterday!

Well, if you could even call it cooking. I prepared another batch of Jane Esselstyn's delicioso Kale Butter ( which I served on top of some plain quinoa--simply amazing! Then I dressed some romaine lettuce and spring lettuce mix with my favorite Galeo's low calorie miso dressing.  Lastly, I whipped up a batch of Sesame Noodle Sauce from the Choosing Raw blog (actually using Tahini, which tastes remarkably like peanut butter when you try it plain, and poured it over a mixture of spiralized zucchini and carrot noodles.

I had my husband take these photos with his cell phone.  So the even better news is that my new digital SLR camera arrived today! Yipee! Now I just have to learn how to use it. The thought of gorgeous food photography is totally exciting to me.  And my husband will be a very happy camper eating all of the healthy food that I will be inspired to make. Have I told you about how much his basketball game has improved now that we have gone Plant Strong? I'll save that for another day . . .


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