Eggplant Bacon?!?

I'm going to be honest here, bacon has never been a big deal in my life, so giving it up for my health wasn't even a sacrifice I had to make. But when I saw Julie Ann over at The Reduction Project blogging about Isa Chandra Moskowitz's Eggplant Bacon from her cookbook Appetite for Reduction, I can't lie, I was intrigued. And I happen to have a lot of leftover eggplant from my Baked Eggplant Fries test. Plus I already own a bottle of Liquid Smoke, which I was sure was the secret ingredient!
I was right. This preparation is very simple and involves only eggplant, low sodium soy sauce or tamari, and liquid smoke.

Lucky for us, someone was kind enough to submit the Eggplant Bacon recipe to Spark People. I'm not sure if Isa would be too happy about that, but there it is. Because I had one pound of eggplant strips already cut up for the eggplant fries, I didn't follow Isa's eggplant cutting method, but all was good and it worked just fine. 
With leftover Sweet Potato Enchiladas, leftover Cabbage, Jicama and Cucumber Slaw served over romaine lettuce and topped with avocado, the Eggplant Bacon was perfect. Thanks for bringing this deliciousness to our attention Julie Ann!


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