Hop on Over to Choosing Raw and Catch My Guest Blog Post

This is Gena (pronounced Jenna). Isn't she adorable?

Good Morning! I am so excited to tell all of you that my story was published in Gena from Choosing Raw's blog series on eating disorder recovery through a plant based diet. In my opinion, Gena is simply one of the best healthy food bloggers out there. It doesn't hurt that she is a professional writer/editor and Certified Clinical Nutritionist turned med student. Or that she is in recovery from an eating disorder and one of the most gifted natural chefs on the internet. This woman is inspiring! Hop on over to Choosing Raw to check out my post!

Since most of you know my story and may not take the time to read it again over at Choosing Raw, I do want to point out to you that the comments that are being left are very, very interesting. I don't know about you, but I feel a lot better about things when I have moments of connection with other people going through the same struggles. I hope you are inspired when reading what I and others are sharing over at Choosing Raw.

Have a wonderful day!


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