Surround Yourself With People (and Food) That You Love

Happy Father's Day to my dad and all of the daddy's out there! That's my daddy at his 85th Birthday party, which we celebrated last weekend in New Jersey. That was the reason for my family's road trip from Ohio. We had a wonderful time and I absolutely love the instant connection that all of the cousins have with each other.
The main event of the weekend was a Sunday Brunch. Bagels, cream cheese, lox, whitefish salad, herring. 'Nuf said.
The day before the party I had an unbelievable opportunity to cook for my parents, brothers, sister-in-laws, nieces and nephews and other extended family. I wanted to give them a delicious Plant-strong meal and I believe I delivered. Thanks to my SIL Lori who let me use her gorgeous kitchen, co-hosted the dinner and was my sous chef . . . and then had to miss the dinner in order to take her son to a soccer game. What a mom!
Lori made her (well, Ina Garten's) fresh Guacamole. Yum!
I, of course, had to make my Red Quinoa Salad with Black Beans, Corn, Tomatoes and Cilantro. It's such a guaranteed crowd pleaser, if you haven't made it yet I highly suggest you fit it into your summer line-up!
I made a catering sized platter's worth.
Okay, I had to throw this one in. There's Lori in the back and me with CRAZY hair in the front. Don't make fun. My hair is really frizzy.
Another crowd pleaser is Roasted Brussels Sprouts. I found this technique in a Martha Stewart cookbook and have prepared Brussels Sprouts this way ever since. I think Roasted Brussels Sprouts are like candy.
Another favorite of mine is Toby's Refreshing Salad. Made with fresh grated beets, carrots, and apples and then dressed with fresh squeezed orange juice, it doesn't get simpler than this. So colorful, light and, well, refreshing!
I also served a Hugh Jass Green Salad (sorry, I can't stop saying that). Crudities with two kinds of hummus, chips and two kinds of fresh salsa rounded out the incredibly alive spread of deliciousness.
I've gotta give props to this chick, my sister-in-law Ruth. The night before this dinner, she singlehandedly cooked up her own Plant-strong dinner for the family. It was way beyond the call of duty, but so, so appreciated!
That's my mom on the left and her dear friend Ann Monka on the right. Ann survived the Holocaust by hiding out in the forest in Poland for years. She is truly an inspiration. It's so nice to be surrounded by the people you love!
And last but not least, the main event party food. Luckily for me, there were leftovers from the Plant-strong dinner the night before! I didn't have to eat any of this. But I couldn't control myself when it came to this:

My total weakness, my Achilles heel, my crack cocaine: birthday cake.

I ate two big pieces that day and believe me when I tell you I am still paying for it. It overwhelmed my system with sugar, resulting in a condition that only females suffer from, if you know what I mean . . . why can't I stop myself?

Do you have any Plant-strong Father's Day plans?

How many of your loved ones have adopted a Plant-strong diet?

Do you wish, like I do, that your entire family was Plant-strong?


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