The 13th Annual LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair is here - Saturday 6/25

The anticipation for the health fair has been great amongst those of us working on it. We have been preparing for your arrival and are just plain excited to welcome you.  Admittedly sleep has been a bit less with the anticipation as we have drawn closer to today. 

Each year Ingrid works tirelessly to improve upon the last year to ensure you have an experience that adds to your life in healthy ways.  We are grateful to our fabulous Peer Providers who have given of their time, expertise and energy.  Hopefully you will enjoy the services while making new friends and reconnect with friends you may not have seen for a while.  Community is so important to overall good health and we are honored to be a part of your lives.

We welcome your feedback and would love for you to share with us how the health fair has impacted your life.  We will publish your stories over the next couple months - so call or write to us (anonymity will be maintained upon request).  We thank each of you for spreading the word, bringing friends and spending part of your day with us.


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