Laughter is the best medicine according to Ingrid Berkhout

When was the last time you had a good belly laugh or laughed until you cried?  You may be surprised to learn that laughter has many more benefits than you may think.  It has been shown in some studies to strengthen your immune system, increase intellectual performance and be a natural stress releaser.  Even a small amount of laughing can add benefits for hours.  Laughing can trigger endorphines, balance blood pressure and ease pain.  It may even create a more positive attitude and improve sleep.  

If you have not laughed with Ingrid Berkhout, Program Manager of the Women's Health Outreach - you are in for a treat!  Ingrid will be leading a fabulous Laughter Session during our 13th Annual LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair.  She believes that laughing is no joke when it comes to the overall benefits one can receive from laughter. 

Join Ingrid at 10:30am - 11:00am on Saturday, June 25th for jaw aching, side splitting and knee slapping laughing. 


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