Kitchen Pix-The Job is Done, The Pantry is Restocked

With much joy and gratitude, I present you with the final kitchen renovation photographs. Thank you to the HGK readers who have been asking for these, it is very kind of you.

A few words on my pantry: I was lucky enough to inherit a great pantry from the previous owners of my home. So during the renovation, the pantry received a new coat of paint (a deep yellow green, my absolutely favorite color) and a new floor to match the rest of the kitchen.
As you can probably tell from this photo, I like organization. Especially in a work space where doing tasks efficiently is my goal. I can't afford the time to be hunting around for ingredients, so I spent the time to deck out this pantry. It always gets ooohs and aaaaahs from visitors to our home.
The baskets were recycled from my kid's changing table, which we finally retired this month! Phew, what a relief that is. No more diapers. It's been 11 1/2 years. But back to the baskets--they do a great job containing things that otherwise would be a mess in the pantry: chips and pretzels, wraps and baggies, potatoes and onions, and miscellaneous small dry ingredients.

The vertical rod dividers are spring loaded curtain rods. I saw this idea online looking at other people's pantries and closets (yes, you can do this very easily with an image search on google!). This idea was a major find for me. I am able to keep all of my muffin tins, baking trays, cooling racks, etc. very neat and tidy and within easy reach for all of the baking that I do (not!. . . wish I could, but you guys all know what the outcome of that would be for me). But I do use those baking trays for a heck of a lot of veggie roasting, and an occasional muffin!
The strip of hooks was from the previous owners. It's uber functional for holding hanging items, including a small vacuum that we use every day on the kitchen floor. Boy do 3 little people and and all of my cooking create a mess on the kitchen floor.

Thanks for taking the HGK tour! If you want, I'll show you my spices . . .


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