Hot Tip! Blog "Best of" Lists

I'm still pretty new at this blogging thing and learning all of the time. One interesting tidbit that I picked up over the New Year's Holiday was that a lot of bloggers wrote "best of" lists and then published the lists on their blogs. Farty Girl wrote about the best (and worst!) foods for IBS, other bloggers listed out their favorite posts of the year, and the most important thing of all for me, food bloggers listed their favorite dishes of the year. That is so cool! I mean, no more making things that aren't extraordinary. Just pick off of the best of list from any active food blogger that you admire and viola! you have a recipe that's company worthy.

The first list that I ran across was actually a guest post on Choosing Raw where Leslie from The Whole Plate shares 5 of her favorite veggie recipes. Collard Greens in Peanut Tomato Sauce, Roasted Beets with Cocoa Sesame Sauce, Raw Zucchini Boats with Tomato and Oregano, Thai Coconut Corn Soup, Coconut Sweet Potato Dip . . . oh la la!

Then I got notification in my inbox that Susan over at Fat Free Vegan had done her own best of 2010 list. I think I've discovered something! "Best of" lists are for me! Susan's Roasted Eggplant Pesto here I come! But first, back to Leslie's lovlies . . .

The ingredients for Leslie's Cocoa Sesame Sauce are all staples in my kitchen, which made this a very easy recipe to whip up before I left for work in the morning.
Roasted the beets as soon as I walked in the door and they were ready just in time to be served with the collard greens.

Oh, that cocoa sauce is soooooo good! Leslie was right, this is a "best of" recipe! And don't make fun of my hat, it's really cold here in Cleveland right now.

Leslie's Collard Greens in Peanut Tomato Sauce also couldn't have been easier. . .

or tastier! Two totally winning dishes. Two dishes that I would be proud to serve to a guest. And I did. Thanks to my niece Emily for being a guinea pig. And thanks Leslie! Your recipes rock!

Have you seen any best of lists that rocked your world?

What are the most memorable dishes that you made this past year?

What are the changes that you made in 2010 that you are proud of?


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