Love Yourself/Love Food if You Wanna


I don't know if you noticed but it wasn't one of my resolutions this year to weigh a certain number on the scale. I didn't even realize it until a few hours after I had written the resolutions down. I mean, what's going on here? Is something happening to me? I then I realized it.

This is not a blog about being thin for thin's sake.

This is not a blog for people who are Pro-Anna. Or Mia, or any other f-ed up sh&#.

This is a blog for people who love food. And themselves.

So make no mistake, my purpose here is not to be the skinniest I can be nor to wear a size 2. My purpose is to find my groove, and part of finding my groove is finding peace with food. Because I LOVE FOOD and I want food to love me back. I want to feel my best every day. I want to live an extraordinary life. That, and I really don't want to get diabetes, heart disease, or the dreaded cancer that runs so rampantly in my family. I want to be healthy for health's sake. And if I need to lose weight to be at my best health, then that's important for me.

Do I care if I gain weight? Heck yeah! The reality is that for me to be my best version of myself, I could lose a few. It's taken me a LONG time to learn the following thing: the scale can be my friend. For years I have alternated between weighting myself every day and then not weighing myself at all for long periods of time. And guess what happened when I wasn't weighing myself? But now I look at the scale a little differently--it's FEEDBACK, not failure.

The following video is not me (I do not have these kind of cahones!), but this is important for everyone to watch:

Tell me you don't feel good after watching that!

I grew up loving food. Healthy food and unhealthy food. It didn't matter which. I wanted to eat more than I needed to eat. Why? I don't know and I don't care. It is what it is. And I believe that food should be enjoyed. Otherwise, we would have been created without a need for food to survive, maybe a pill that we could take once a day to keep us going. Sounds awful, right? But we weren't created that way. We need food, regularly.  So it shouldn't be a struggle, it should be a blessing to shop and cook and enjoy beautiful meals.

Do you struggle with your body image? WHO DOESN'T???? Than the following blog is for you: Just reading Mara's words brings me peace.

What is on your New Year's Resolutions list? Or do you not have a list?

Do you want to lose weight? If yes, why?

If not, why is eating healthy important to you?


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