High Fiber Hooey and How to Read a Nutrition Label-You Thought You Knew!

It's been an extremely challenging food week for me. I'm on an island off the coast of Florida and healthy eating can be challenging outside of anyone's home environment. But I'm proud to say that I think I've figured some things out this week.

First, I love Dr. Fuhrman's Kale and Bean Saute and I'm psyched to go home and experiment with other interesting sauteed greens recipes. My first is going to be Collard Greens in Peanut Tomato Broth from Leslie at The Whole Plate. Ohhhhhh, I'm excited for that one!

The second thing that I think I figured out is that eating any processed high fiber food is potentially dangerous, to me and the others around me, if you know what I mean. Okay, I'm just going to put it out there, I had a really ugly fart attack two days ago. At first I was worried, wondering if all of the kale and beans in my new found love, Kale and Bean Saute, was doing this damage to my intestines. I have been eating this lovely sauteed mix every day--in every way--sometimes with brown rice, sometimes with avocado and tomatillo salsa on top, and then sometimes, everything all packaged up in one of these seemingly healthy, whole wheat, high fiber tortillas.

But then, the ugly happened. And as I was reading through the entirety of Farty Girl, it occurred to me that maybe it was the tortilla. You see, it turns out that all this high fiber shit is not good for you. Why? Because it's an isolated fiber, and not fiber found in real, natural food. It's just more fake crap that food companies are selling us and leading us to believe will make us thinner. If you are eating any of these processed foods labeled as "high fiber" I suggest reading all about what you are eating here and here.

I'm throwing them away. 'Cause that's what they are to me, garbage. Who wants to walk around farting and stinking up the room?

P.S. I ate the Kale and Bean Saute the next day without the "high fiber" tortilla and guess what? NO FARTING! Yeah!

For more on the disturbing things that food companies do to get you to buy their "healthy" processed garbage food, watch this video. This guy, Jeff Novick, used to work for Kraft Foods, and now he's made it his mission to let us know the real deal. It's a bit long, but totally worth it!
Have you discovered anything about food that you find disturbing? Let us know!


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