Kale Crispies

My awesome business partner, Chris-Anna (a real live naturally thin girl!),  got me this t-shirt as a gift and  I couldn't be more proud to sport it!  Chris has been wondering lately why it took her so long to discover this magical vegetable.  Well, there's a dude in Vermont who wants to make sure everyone knows how tasty and healthy it is.  http://www.eatmorekale.com/ You too can join the movement!
Kale Crispies
Our friend Jill reports, "I am all about 'kale crispies'. Take the leaves off the hard stem. Drizzle olive oil and a pinch of kosher salt. Bake in a single layer at 350 for about 13 minutes. My kids beg for them--and i don't even have to dip them in chocolate."


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