
I am well aware from personal experience that maintenance is much harder than losing. Getting close to it has me thinking a lot about it even before I am there. My thoughts this weekend were focused around the idea that when people are losing and attending WW meetings, it's all very, very exciting stuff. And that can keep someone "out of the cookie jar" for a long time--the competition with oneself and the praise from others, it all has a person feeling really good. But then one day it just ends. You're there. But the fun and excitement is gone. What are you left with that will keep you on this plan that takes a lot of effort to stay on? Yeah, I know, we all want to stay looking good and feeling good. But somehow it's not enough. The fun and excitement is over.

So, I had an idea for myself. What if I turned my passion for using healthy cooking into a blog about weight loss, healthy cooking, kitchen tips and product tips? That could keep me excited about staying at my goal weight. Because I can't very well write a blog about it if I gain in all back! So, let me know what you think. How do you keep this going day after day?


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