Chunky Sweet Potato Stew

Did you see the movie Julie and Julia?  I sure did and it made me run home and order Julia Child's book  Mastering the Art of French Cooking because I too love to cook.  Cooking is a form of creativity that gives me a sense of almost instant gratification.  But neither the movie or the cookbook inspired me to actually create any of Julia Child's recipes.  Too much butter I guess. 

Enter "Mastering the Art of Healthy Cooking", a blog written by a woman named Jana who took on the challenge of preparing all of the recipes in Dr. Joel Furhman's book Eat for Health.  She made them all, in order, in 30 days, and then critiqued each one.  So Jana inspired me to take out my copy of Eat for Health to see what I was missing.  And it turned out that I had all of the ingredients conveniently available to me in my kitchen (what are the chances???) to make one of the first recipes, Chunky Sweet Potato Stew.  So I went for it this morning and ate it for dinner this evening.  Really, really delicious.

I'd like to give you the recipe for Chunky Sweet Potato Stew, but I'm not sure that Dr. Fuhrman would like that very much.  So, if you check out Jana's blog and are interested in the incredible healthy food that you can make, you've got to buy the book!  Luckily, I've made it really easy for you . . .


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