Easy Fresh Ginger Storage and a Fabulous Soup

Did you know that you can have fresh ginger at your fingertips all the time?  What do you do with the rest of the ginger you bought once you used enough for that recipe you just made?    It keeps beautifully in a ziploc baggie in the freezer.  Just pull it out when you need it.  Scrape off the skin on the frozen ginger with a teaspoon and grate it frozen on a microplaner right into your recipe. Put the remainder right back in the baggie and into the freezer for your next kitchen adventure!

Celery and Parsley Root Soup
adapted from a recipe by Tom at Organic Energy Restaurant. A BIG thank you to Jill K for pursuing this!

Make enough for a big crowd, or some for this week and some for the freezer

2 Tbsp olive oil or coconut oil
1 really large onion, peeled and chopped
2 huge bunches celery, washed and cut into 1.5" pieces
2 bunches of parsley root, just the roots (plan on making Taboulleh as you will have some beautiful parsley out of the deal),  peeled and diced
1 Tbsp grated ginger
3 cloves garlic, peeled and smashed or chopped
7 cups vegetable stock
1 14 oz. can coconut milk
1 Tbsp star anise
salt and pepper

Using a large stock pot, saute onion, celery, and parsley root in the oil for 10 minutes on medium-high heat.  Add vegetable stock, ginger and garlic.  Simmer for 1 hour.  Add coconut milk and star anise and simmer for another 30 to 45 minutes (parsley root should be soft). Remove star anise from soup and discard.  Puree soup using an immersion blender but leave lots of chunks.  Taste soup and season with salt and pepper.


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