Sugar Monster, I Will Destroy You

Okay, as I was just going on yesterday about how I kicked the Sugar Monster's butt, he reared his ugly head again last night.  It was at my daughter's 5th birthday party and of course we had the compulsory birthday concoction.  Which for Maya is a big fudgey brownie with whipped cream and chocolate sauce.  And as I am a diligent member of Weight Watchers with points allotted every week for "splurges" sans the guilt, I partook.  Not the nasty part.

The party was a great success.  According to Maya it was the best birthday party ever! Yeah!  For me, it was a reminder of a few very valuable lessons:

Do not bring sugary baked goods into my house, period.  Throw it away if it gets in.  During the wind-down period after the party, I was drawn like a bug to a light to the tupperware that held the precious suggary leftovers.  I ate more.  Not a ton, but the reality is, I'm not proud.  You know your own trigger foods.  Get rid of them, don't let them into your home again.  It was amazing how once I ate the brownie, I needed another fix shortly after.  Couldn't get it out of my brain.  Just like a drug. Save your splurges for outside of your home.

If I slip up or make a mistake, say to myself, "Oh well" and MOVE ON.  It really can be that simple.  I don't need to use my slip up as an excuse to eat more of the garbage tomorrow. It doesn't need to turn into an all out bender.  I can just move on and go right back to my healthy way of eating.  And I have full confidence that I can do that.

Because that is what a thin person would do.  That's how they stay thin.  They're not perfect.  They eat highly caloric junk food from time to time.  But they don't mentally abuse themselves over it.  And they don't use it as an excuse to give up and eat whatever they want because they obviously can't control themselves.  They just move on.

The Beck Diet Solution by Dr. Judith Beck is not a book about what to eat to lose weight.  It's a book about how to think if you want to be successful at this weight loss game.  It is practically impossible for me to express what reading this book has done for me, except to say that I have retrained my brain using Dr. Beck's steps.  I don't know where I would be in this weight loss journey had I not read this book and worked the steps.  Probably back on my couch with a bowl of ice cream.


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