Superbowl Shocker! Healthy Chocolate Cupcakes

Last week I read on (you remember, the blog where the woman prepares every recipe from Eat for Health in 30 days) how much she enjoyed Dr. Fuhrman's "Healthy Chocolate Cupcakes" and given where my head is at lately, I just had to give this recipe a try.  So on Saturday night my two-year-old son Max and I had a ball in the kitchen preparing them.  Lots of crazy ingredients like beets, zucchini, carrots, banana, applesauce, pineapple . . . and a whole boatload of dates went in.  When they came out of the oven they were too delicious to resist. Max ate 3 of them before they were even iced.  The icing was so amazing that I couldn't stop tasting it.  I think this recipe is fabulous!
So yesterday being the Superbowl, a religious holiday for my husband's family, my brother and sister-in-law hosted what can only be called a massive food fest.  There was a ton of food to choose from, so luckily I had no problem whatsoever sticking to my plan.  I filled up on raw veggies, an awesome guacamole that my sister-in-law makes (she mixes avocados with jarred salsa), shrimp cocktail (sorry Rabbi!) and lots and lots of the Kitchen Sink Chopped Salad that I brought along.  Everyone loved the salad, I might add, and you'll understand why this is important as you continue reading. 

Then a really weird thing happened.  Dessert.  Out came my healthy chocolate cupcakes, the raw key lime pie that I also made, a store bought iced cookie cake, a trifle made with pudding, angel food cake and cool whip and lastly, Aunt Viv's Famous Apple Cake.  I prepared my other brother-in-law Jim beforehand that no matter what he thought about my desserts, he had to pretend publically that he liked them (he's a health "nut" and I needed his moral support). Okay, back to the really weird thing . . .

No one really liked the healthy desserts.

Except for me.  I thought they were amazing.

And it hit me, after 9 months of living and eating this way, refined sugar no longer has its grip on me.  Real food just tastes way better. Looking at the iced cookie cake made me want to, let's just say, regurgitate.  So, if you are reading my blog like I hope you are and testing out some of the recipes for yourself, just remember the source.  And I hope and pray for you that if you don't already know it that you will someday, real food just tastes better.

This just in from my brother-in-law, 2/9/10: "I would like to publicly apologize to Wendy about my premature ridicule of the cupcakes. It must have been a fluke cross-contamination of cupcake and another dessert or other Superbowl specialty, but that initial odd taste has not returned in the slightest bit through the subsequent 3 cupcakes that I have devoured. So Wendy - please accept my deepest regrets for my comments. They are great, and you can make them for me any time! The pie --- I've learned my lesson. Long live healthy eats. Love, Rob"

On behalf of Dr. Fuhrman and myself, thank you Rob!


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