Can it really be this easy?

The other day at my favorite restaurant, Organic Energy, I was served up a plate of hummus, ezekial bread slices, carrots, celery, cucumber, apples and sprouts.  My friends and I made little sandwiches, spreading the bread with hummus and placing a slice of cucumber on top.  It was perfect!

So last night for dinner I toasted up some Ezekial bread slices, spread them with hummus, and applied a big, juicy slice of organic tomato to the top.  OMG, I didn't know healthy could be this easy.  So next time you are wondering how to get a nutritious, fast, filling dinner on the table, just grab some of the soup you have been making out of the refridgerator and serve it up with two of these sammys.  You'll be stuffed!

Ezekial Bread with Hummus and Veggies
2 sammies = 3 WW Points

2 slices Ezekial bread, toasted to your liking
3 Tbsp hummus
sliced tomato or cucumber
optional: sprouts

You know what to do!


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